Override and extend the core ItemSheet implementation to handle game system specific item types




items: any[]


  • get defaultOptions(): InsertKeys<{
        baseApplication: null | string;
        classes: string[];
        closeOnSubmit: boolean;
        dragDrop: {
            dragSelector: string;
            dropSelector: string;
        editable: boolean;
        filters: Omit<SearchFilterConfiguration, "callback">[];
        height: null | number | "auto";
        id: string;
        left: null | number;
        minimizable: boolean;
        popOut: boolean;
        resizable: boolean;
        scale: null | number;
        scrollY: string[];
        sheetConfig: boolean;
        submitOnChange: boolean;
        submitOnClose: boolean;
        tabs: {
            contentSelector: string;
            group: string;
            initial: string;
            navSelector: string;
        template: null | string;
        title: string;
        top: null | number;
        viewPermission: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
        width: number;
    }, OmitByValue<{
        classes: string[];
        dragDrop: {
            dragSelector: string;
            dropSelector: string;
        scrollY: string[];
        tabs: {
            contentSelector: string;
            group: string;
            initial: string;
            navSelector: string;
        width: number;
    }, never>>
  • Returns InsertKeys<{
        baseApplication: null | string;
        classes: string[];
        closeOnSubmit: boolean;
        dragDrop: {
            dragSelector: string;
            dropSelector: string;
        editable: boolean;
        filters: Omit<SearchFilterConfiguration, "callback">[];
        height: null | number | "auto";
        id: string;
        left: null | number;
        minimizable: boolean;
        popOut: boolean;
        resizable: boolean;
        scale: null | number;
        scrollY: string[];
        sheetConfig: boolean;
        submitOnChange: boolean;
        submitOnClose: boolean;
        tabs: {
            contentSelector: string;
            group: string;
            initial: string;
            navSelector: string;
        template: null | string;
        title: string;
        top: null | number;
        viewPermission: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
        width: number;
    }, OmitByValue<{
        classes: string[];
        dragDrop: {
            dragSelector: string;
            dropSelector: string;
        scrollY: string[];
        tabs: {
            contentSelector: string;
            group: string;
            initial: string;
            navSelector: string;
        width: number;
    }, never>>


  • Private

    Get the text item status which is shown beneath the Item type in the top-right corner of the sheet


    • item: any

    Returns string

  • Parameters

    • event: any

    Returns Promise<undefined | any[] | Partial<Record<string, unknown>>>

  • Private

    Toggle inline display of an item's summary/description by expanding or hiding info div


    • event: ClickEvent<HTMLElement, any, any, any>

      The click event on the item

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • event: any

    Returns Promise<undefined | any[] | Partial<Record<string, unknown>>>

  • Private

    Handle spawning the ActorTraitSelector application which allows a checkbox of multiple trait options


    • event: Event

      The click event which originated the selection

    Returns void

  • Private

    Extend the parent class _updateObject method to ensure that damage ends up in an Array


    • event: any
    • formData: any

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Prepare item sheet data Start with the base item data and extending with additional properties for rendering.

    Returns Promise<Data<DocumentSheetOptions>>

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