An Application displaying documentation for the Pathfinder 1e system within Foundry.


  • Application
    • HelpBrowserPF



_backwardHistory: HistoryEntry[] = []
_currentPage: HistoryEntry = ...

The currently shown entry.

_forwardHistory: HistoryEntry[] = []
_md: MarkdownIt

The Markdown parser instance for this application.


  • get defaultOptions(): InsertKeys<{
        baseApplication: null | string;
        classes: string[];
        dragDrop: Omit<DragDropConfiguration, "permissions" | "callbacks">[];
        filters: Omit<SearchFilterConfiguration, "callback">[];
        height: number;
        id: string;
        left: null | number;
        minimizable: boolean;
        popOut: boolean;
        resizable: boolean;
        scale: null | number;
        scrollY: string[];
        tabs: Omit<TabsConfiguration, "callback">[];
        template: string;
        title: string;
        top: null | number;
        width: number;
    }, OmitByValue<{
        classes: string[];
        height: number;
        id: string;
        minHeight: number;
        minWidth: number;
        resizable: boolean;
        template: string;
        width: number;
    }, never>>
  • Returns InsertKeys<{
        baseApplication: null | string;
        classes: string[];
        dragDrop: Omit<DragDropConfiguration, "permissions" | "callbacks">[];
        filters: Omit<SearchFilterConfiguration, "callback">[];
        height: number;
        id: string;
        left: null | number;
        minimizable: boolean;
        popOut: boolean;
        resizable: boolean;
        scale: null | number;
        scrollY: string[];
        tabs: Omit<TabsConfiguration, "callback">[];
        template: string;
        title: string;
        top: null | number;
        width: number;
    }, OmitByValue<{
        classes: string[];
        height: number;
        id: string;
        minHeight: number;
        minWidth: number;
        resizable: boolean;
        template: string;
        width: number;
    }, never>>

    Inherit Doc


  • Parameters

    • html: JQuery<HTMLElement>

      This application's HTML element

    Returns void

Generated using TypeDoc