...args: any[]Track the set of item filters which are applied
Track hidden elements of the sheet.
Whether inner part of this sheet has been rendered already.
Whether a submit has been queued in any way.
Item search
Determine if this actor is in character generation state.
True if character generation guides are desirable.
featReturns an object containing feature type specific data relevant to feature organization.
_prepareThe traits object containing both custom text input and more structured resistances
The type of resistance to check ("dr" or "eres" for damage reduction or energy resistance, respectively)
Sort item at the bottom of the list instead of seemingly random position
Temporary item to do sorting on.
_typeAdd some extra data when rendering the sheet to reduce the amount of logic required within the template.
Toggle inline display of an item's summary/description by expanding or hiding info div
The element to open. Likely will have the item
class in CSS.
instant: boolean = {}Whether to instantly show the expansion (true), or animate it (false)
Generated using TypeDoc
Extend the basic ActorSheet class to do all the PF things! This sheet is an Abstract layer which is not used.