...args: any[]Private
_itemCached result of .itemTypes
Cached roll data for this item.
Keeps track of currently running async functions that shouldn't run multiple times simultaneously.
Tracks various states which need to be tracked.
A list of all the active items with changes.
Stores all ItemChanges from carried items.
All items this actor is holding in containers.
Init item flags.
Cached override
Actor's current race item.
Set reference to actor's current race (item). Fill in any additional info, such as easy reference to creature type.
The VisionPermissionSheet instance for this actor
Computes armor penalties for this actor.
The resulting penalties from armor.
Computes encumbrance values for this actor.
The resulting penalties from encumbrance.
_prepareConverts currencies of the given category to the given currency type
Either 'currency' or 'altCurrency'.
Either 'pp', 'gp', 'sp' or 'cp'. Converts as much currency as possible to this type.
Updated document or undefined if no update occurred.
Enable and configure a new spellbook.
casting: { Book casting configuration
Spellcasting ability score ID
Has cantrips?
Class tag
Number of domain slots.
Casting progression type
Spell/spellcasting type
Spellbook type
Promise to updated document
Show defenses in chat
options: { Additional options
The roll mode to use for the roll; defaults to the user's current preference when null
Relevant token if any.
Deletes expired temporary active effects and disables linked expired buffs.
options: { Additional options
Combat to expire data in, if relevant
Time offset from world time
context: DocumentModificationContext = {}Document update context
Generates an array with all the active context-sensitive notes for the given context on this actor.
The context to draw from.
Returns a list of already parsed context notes.
The context to draw notes from.
options: { Additional options
Whether to roll inline rolls or not.
The resulting notes, already parsed.
options: { Additional options
If false, damage resistances (DR, ER) are omitted.
If false, damage vulnerabilities are omitted.
An object with a property value
which refers to the current used feats, and max
which refers to the maximum available feats.
Returns Wound Threshold relevant data.
Provided valid rollData
Checks if there's any matching proficiency
The item to check for.
The proficiency name to look for. e.g. 'lightShield' or 'mediumArmor'.
Whether the actor is proficient with that item.
Perform all changes related to an actor resting, including restoring HP, ability scores, item uses, etc.
Options affecting an actor's resting
Updates applied to the actor, if resting was completed
options: { Additional options
If false, return update data object instead of directly updating the actor.
Update data to complement or read changed values from.
Result of an update or the update data.
Restore spellbook used slots and spellpoints.
options: { Additional options
If false, return update data object instead of directly updating the actor.
Roll data
Result of update or the update data.
Roll an Ability Test Prompt the user for input regarding Advantage/Disadvantage and any Situational Bonus
The ability ID (e.g. "str")
options: object = {}Options which configure how ability tests are rolled
The chat message if one was created, or its data if not. void
if the roll was cancelled.
Roll a generic attack
options: ActorRollOptions & { The chat message if one was created, or its data if not. void
if the roll was cancelled.
Roll a 1d20 adding the actor's BAB
options: ActorRollOptions = {}The chat message if one was created, or its data if not. void
if the roll was cancelled.
Roll a Caster Level check using a particular spellbook of this actor
Spellbook identifier
options: ActorRollOptions = {}Roll options
The chat message if one was created, or its data if not. void
if the roll was cancelled.
Roll a basic CMB check for this actor
options: ActorRollOptions & { The chat message if one was created, or its data if not. void
if the roll was cancelled.
Roll a concentration check using a particular spellbook of this actor
Spellbook identifier
options: ActorRollOptions = {}Roll options
The chat message if one was created, or its data if not. void
if the roll was cancelled.
Roll initiative for one or multiple Combatants associated with this actor. If no combat exists, GMs have the option to create one. If viewing a full Actor document, all Tokens which map to that actor will be targeted for initiative rolls. If viewing a synthetic Token actor, only that particular Token will be targeted for an initiative roll.
options: { Options which configure how initiative is rolled
Formula for bonus to initiative
Create new Combatant entries for tokens associated with this actor.
Formula override for dice to roll
Reroll initiative for existing Combatants
Roll mode override
Skip roll dialog
For which token this initiative roll is for
The updated Combat document in which initiative was rolled, or null if no initiative was rolled
Roll a specific saving throw
Identifier for saving throw type.
options: ActorRollOptions = {}Roll options.
The chat message if one was created, or its data if not. void
if the roll was cancelled.
Roll a Skill Check
The skill id (e.g. "per", or "prf.subSkills.prf1")
options: ActorRollOptions = {}Options which configure how the skill check is rolled
The chat message if one was created, or its data if not. void
if the roll was cancelled.
Easy way to toggle a condition.
A direct condition identiifer, as per PF1.conditions, such as shaken
or dazed
Promise to updated document, or nothing if no update occurs.
the item to add to the actor's resources
options: { extra options
Skips warning if item tag already exists in dictionary flags
True if resources were set
applyApply rolled dice damage to the token or tokens which are currently controlled. This allows for damage to be scaled by a multiplier to account for healing, critical hits, or resistance If Shift is held, will prompt for adjustments based on damage reduction and energy resistances
The amount of damage to deal.
options: { Object containing default settings for overriding
Marks the damage as non-lethal
Apply damage to wounds directly instead of vigor, as needed for Wounds & Vigor variant health rule.
Critical multiplier as needed for Wounds & Vigor variant health rule. Set to 0 for non-critical hits.
Forces the opening of a Dialog as if Shift was pressed
Default value for Damage Reduction
Override the targets to apply damage to
getGenerated using TypeDoc
Extend the base Actor class to implement additional game system logic.